The study of Angels and then the angelic realm can be long and exhaustive. The myriad of texts, archives, interpretations and ideas relating to the angels goes on and on and on. For the purposes of this article I'd like to give you the beginnings of historical facts, figures and events along with my own personal interpretation and experiences. I always encourage you to do your own investigation and research if that feels appropriate to you. Hopefully, this overview will help you to start a real relationship with the Angels. Creating a personal relationship with the Angels is what we are after here. When I say a personal relationship, I mean for you to look at the angelic relationship very like a human relationships. Obviously, they are not the same, but when we invite or open up to the energies of these angels there will be a period of introduction, understanding and then a real trust and communication. This relationship, like human relationships takes focus and needs to take a priority if you want to go beyond a surface acquaintance, but instead create a true, real and loving friendship with the Angels. Images, words, symbols and icons can all be very helpful in beginning our communication with the angelic realm. When we use these things it triggers within us an opening or a gateway for our communication with a particular Archangel or the Angelic realm. These things can be as obvious as a picture or portrait of an angel that we gaze at and contemplate a song that triggers a deep sense of connection with the Divine or even a walk in nature. These gateways may vary with different Archangels. I would strongly encourage you to look for these images, icons or symbols and how they make you feel in your gut or mind as they represent or “speak” for a certain archangel. The other aspect which is very important, is how we begin to hear the Angels communicating back to us. After all, if we don’t know that they are communicating back to us, then we will never develop a real relationship with them and be able to access all of their guidance. I am a firm believer that the Angels communicate back to us in a wide variety of forms and those forms vary from person to person and situation to situation. With that in mind here are a few of the most common ways in which the Angels may be communicating back to you:
Just as an example, when I communicate with Archangel Gabrielle I get an overwhelming feeling of warmth and calm throughout my entire body. Also when I connect with Archangel Michael I can hear his voice in my right ear. When Uriel speaks to me I have a hyper awareness around my left shoulder. Before we go on there are a few points that are paramount in your journey with the Angels. Here are the basics that you need to know:
For more about angels, visit my website dedicated to angels |
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