When it comes to the law of attraction, many of us get confused. Many of us believe that the law of attraction is about attracting things. While getting very clear and attracting the things that we want is important, what we really need to understand is that it's the feelings behind the things that is the most important. You see inside of all of us we have a very specific & highly individualized guidance system. That guidance system is based on our feelings. Our feelings will always tell us what feels good for us. What feels good for us will be our own specific things, places or experiences. Those things, places, or experiences are not necessarily what someone else would feel good having. For example, as many of you know I have a few things that make me feel joy or make me feel really good. Like, for some reason Marie Osmond brings me joy! Now, I know I may be in a minority of people that feel joy from Marie Osmond. But I LOVE her! I have loved her since I was a little boy and I still am moved by her and her energy and spirit. Other people will not understand this connection I have with Marie, but that is none of my business. My business is to connect with my joy inwhatever form that takes. As soon as I identify what brings me joy, I take action on in the world. I watch Marie videos, I follow her Twitter, I listen to her music and whatever makes me feel good. Once I do that and follow this internal guidance system that I have within me then more things that bring me joy come into my life. This is what I teach my students: that knowing what brings you joy is the most important thing on your path in life. Once you know what brings you joy, you can then take small action steps towards experiencing more of that thing. I want you to hear this very clearly: it is not always about the big things that we want in life, it is about consistently going for those little or maybe silly things that bring you joy that will change your life. Like me following my internal guidance with Marie Osmond, has brought many many more joyous things than just the experience of Marie Osmond. When we do this over and over and over again in our lives in any area of our lives, we begin to shift our point of attraction. And then our point of attraction becomes all the things that bring us joy and make us feel good. When we are doing this consistently the law of attraction brings as more of those things and even things we didn't even know brought us joy, because that's what it's responding to. Once that happens then you're living in the flow of life. So, whenever you decide to attract something that you think that you want, make sure that you connect with the feelings of that thing and the basis of that thing first. And indulge yourself in the small and maybe silly things that bring you joy. Who or what is your Marie Osmond? A child’s laughter, Marilyn Monroe, White Roses, the smell of Lavender, the grandeur of the open ocean, dolphins, kindness; all of these are things I find beautiful. I have been attracted to beauty in many forms since I was a boy and later as professional in the beauty industry. I realized long ago what has been said many times and in many ways throughout history; that real beauty was not exclusively external, but came from the internal. Have you ever met a celebrity? Have you ever met 60+ celebrities? Well, one of my first opportunities to work with big and I mean BIG stars came when I got to do hair for a video that had more than 60 stars in it. Everyone from Meryl Streep (who, by the way thought I had a great “derriere” (Not the word she used!) to Mickey Dolans (a has been celebrity from the 70’s group The Monkeys) was at this taping, so I can safely say that there was beauty from each end of the spectrum represented that day. What I learned that day about beauty and how it is perceived could fill a book, but the main thing that stood out, (besides Meryl’s compliment!) was that there were a few of celebrities that challenged my belief about beauty. In many ways they were sort of B list celebrities whom I recognized, but never really thought twice about, but in real life, they were drop dead beautiful! There were a couple in particular that were so radiant, I almost didn’t recognize them because my idea of them was not “beauty”. As I watched these women I began to realize what they had that many of the “Beautiful” stars that day didn’t have; a sort of… inner light. I’m not kidding or exaggerating when I say that. These women literally looked like they were lit from the inside out; a kind of diffused pale white light emanated from them. It was the most amazing thing and I was utterly fascinated. I couldn’t stop looking at them. They weren’t just beautiful, they were attractive and that attraction was not only a physical attribute. That attraction came from this strange combination of confidence, happiness and that extra thing in Hollywood they call the “it” factor, which I still can’t put into words, but I’m sure that light has something to do with it. My whole concept of what beauty is changed after that day. “Beauty does not linger, it only visits. Yet Beauty’s visitation affects us and invites us into it’s rhythm, it calls us to feel, think and act beautifully in the world: to create and live a life that awakens the beautiful” ~John O’ Donohue I tell you this because a deceptively simple yet extremely effective way to begin to get back in touch with the Magic in your life is to begin to be conscious of beauty. When I say beauty I mean anything (a thing, experience or person) that is in your life already or something that you happen upon during your day that you deem beautiful to you. Being deliberately conscious of beauty does a number of things; it signals the Universe that you want a more beautiful experience of your life and when you begin to focus or refocus on what your soul tells you is beautiful, then more beautiful things, experiences and people will be attracted into your life. When your life begins to become more and more populated with beautiful experiences, things and people, then your energy will slowly begin to shift and the portal to Magic will be opened even wider. It is literally impossible to be consistently focusing and inviting beauty into your life and have the contrary be true. Through the law of attraction you will begin to see that if, for example you love white roses and begin to visualize them, think about them and buy some to have in your house, you will begin to see them manifesting in your outer experience. Don’t be surprised when one day walking the same path that you travel for years, you suddenly see there is a white rose bush that you had never seen before. Once these kinds of experiences begin to happen for you will know that you are getting back in touch with the Magic. One of my all-time favorite films in the last few years has been "Under the Tuscan Sun". If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. If you have seen that you might know the story I'm about to tell. The story is about a woman whose life falls apart, and how she begins to build her life back up in a way that's much more in line with her spirit. This is all set with the beautiful backdrop of Tuscany Italy. What's not to like about this film...? In the film there are so many life lessons, law of attraction principles and how Angels, human or not guide us through our lives. I am not going to do a review of the film here, because obviously I do not have a subjective opinion. Just see the film. What I want to illuminate here is one story in the film. The main character moves to Tuscany after a surprising and devastating divorce. When she gets to Italy there is an undercurrent of a need to have a man substantiate her existence. She In fact ends up meeting a man. This relationship never totally works out. And here comes the point I want to make for you. There is a character in the movie who is the wise sage woman. The main character comes to her house one day and sage woman says "what Are you so sad about? Why do you keep thinking about him?" The main character doesn't even really know what she's talking about. The sage woman tells a wonderful story about ladybugs and goes on to say "Go work on your house and forget about it!" And she does. She takes her strong focus away from getting the man and having the man satisfy her fulfillment of herself. She works diligently on our home and forgets about it. I'm sure that you know what ends up happening. That man never comes back but, another one comes into her life which is completely unexpected. The lesson here is that she let go of her grip that something other than her own satisfaction of her life will fulfill her. Once she did that, she got what she wanted. It wasn't the form in which she thought it should be. In this case the man that she was so focused on, instead she got a better match for herself. The reason that I tell you the story is to ask yourself what you are gripping on so tight that you want to attract into your life, but you're not giving it room to come in? I know that when I work with clients and for myself that when the grip is so tight on something we think that we want we feel that we have to give it all our attention and focus. Now this might seem contradictory to some of the law of attraction principles of focusing continuously on what you want. But, hear me very clearly here when focusing on what we want is coming from a place of need, then it possibly will never happen or manifest in our lives. If what you want is a true vibrational match for your highest good and is aligned with your spirit and not your ego, then there is no need to continue focusing on it in an almost desperate way. Just be clear about what it is and feel good about it. Feeling good about it and going about your life, opens up the grip so that there is room for it to manifest in your life. By the way, I've been telling this story over and over to clients and to people I know. I would repeat this lesson and say the line "Go work on the house and forget about it!" I have said it so many times over the last few months. In that same time I have been in a place of tightness around my business. I have been holding on with the grip very tight to make my business more successful. Guess what? I have been vibrating "working on the house and forgetting about it" And because I was putting the vibration out there by saying it over and over, circumstances have worked themselves out that in the last month, I have had to be at my Dads house... I have had to "Work on the house and forget about it!" In my case my forgetting about my business. Guess what again??? My business is opening up and opportunities are presenting themselves that I never even planned! So, today go work on the house and forget about it! Watch the scene from the movie here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7t_gCfTPlM |
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