Join international positive results mentor and law of attraction expert Max Ryan as he sets out to prove how our thoughts can manifest physical things in this world. Over the next 47 days Max will replicate the classic Rice experiment first performed by Dr. Emoto in Japan. Join international positive results mentor Max Ryan as he teaches you how to use the law of attraction. In this video Max teaches you how to change your vibration by doing something differently. When you do something differently you change your vibration and when your vibration changes you change your results. Join positive results mentor Max Ryan as he goes through the 10 days of the master cleanse. Along the way you will learn different lessons as he does. Today's lesson BEND. Join positive results mentor Max Ryan as he goes through the 10 days of the master cleanse. Along the way you will learn different lessons as he does. Today's lesson BEND. Join positive results mentor Max Ryan as he goes through the 10 days of the master cleanse. Along the way you will learn different lessons as he does. Today's lesson BEND. Is there a specific area in your life where you feel like on some level you're dying? Is it your career, your relationships, your finances or your health? Are you tired of being confused about where you were going in your life? Do you feel hopeless about creating a future for your life? When was the last time you really planned your future? 2014 can be the best year of your life. 2014 can be the year when you finally do that thing that you have wanted to do. 2014 can be anything that you wanted to be. But it's all up to you. Time is no illusion but for us living in the illusion we need to pre-pave or decide exactly what we want to create. You are creating everything in your life right now anyway, so why not make it intentional? On Thursday January 9thI will be taking you through what I call a "Projection Plan" to help you map out exactly what you want for the new year. This is a powerful process and it is a process that is guaranteed to give you clarity focus and an energetic vibration that if you continue to work with it will match into a manifestation of your life. I know that many of you know that this type of powerful process, but statistically most people that know what to do, but they don't actually do it! It's time to say YES to taking positive and constructive actions. I don't want you to be another statistic that lets another year go by without planning it and achieving all the goals and success that you want in your life. I want you to have all the tools to make 2014 and every day amazing because it deserves to be! That's why I wanted to help you to make this an incredible year for you by doing this webinar so you can sit down and actually do the "Projection Plan" with me and with others. In this webinar I will be teaching and talking to you about your health, your business, your relationships, and your financial situation. Every participant will also get a blank projection form to fill out during the webinar. Each of these subjects will be focused on specifically so that you can get a vibrational alignment with what you want to create in those areas. If you know my work, you know that this will be not only informative, practical, effective, but it will also be a lot of fun. I believe that having a good time and having a high vibration around this work is key to creating the life that you dream. Say YES if that sounds great and say YES to 2014!! YES! Join positive results mentor Max Ryan as he goes through the 10 days of the master cleanse. Along the way you will learn different lessons as he does. Today's lesson is appreciate the food you have. Join positive results mentor Max Ryan as he does the ten-day I master cleanse and teaches you different lessons that he's learning along his journey. Join positive results mentor Max Ryan as he does the ten-day I master cleanse and teaches you different lessons that he's learning along his journey. Join positive results mentor Max Ryan as he does the ten-day master cleanse and teaches you different lessons that he's learning along his journey. |
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January 2019