This is a stressful time of the year! It's soooo important that you mind your vibration so that you can enjoy it and get the most positive experiences from it! Max Ryan gives you some valuable tools to do just that! XXX ![]() When it comes to the law of attraction, many of us get confused. Many of us believe that the law of attraction is about attracting things. While getting very clear and attracting the things that we want is important, what we really need to understand is that it's the feelings behind the things that is the most important. You see inside of all of us we have a very specific & highly individualized guidance system. That guidance system is based on our feelings. Our feelings will always tell us what feels good for us. What feels good for us will be our own specific things, places or experiences. Those things, places, or experiences are not necessarily what someone else would feel good having. For example, as many of you know I have a few things that make me feel joy or make me feel really good. Like, for some reason Marie Osmond brings me joy! Now, I know I may be in a minority of people that feel joy from Marie Osmond. But I LOVE her! I have loved her since I was a little boy and I still am moved by her and her energy and spirit. Other people will not understand this connection I have with Marie, but that is none of my business. My business is to connect with my joy inwhatever form that takes. As soon as I identify what brings me joy, I take action on in the world. I watch Marie videos, I follow her Twitter, I listen to her music and whatever makes me feel good. Once I do that and follow this internal guidance system that I have within me then more things that bring me joy come into my life. This is what I teach my students: that knowing what brings you joy is the most important thing on your path in life. Once you know what brings you joy, you can then take small action steps towards experiencing more of that thing. I want you to hear this very clearly: it is not always about the big things that we want in life, it is about consistently going for those little or maybe silly things that bring you joy that will change your life. Like me following my internal guidance with Marie Osmond, has brought many many more joyous things than just the experience of Marie Osmond. When we do this over and over and over again in our lives in any area of our lives, we begin to shift our point of attraction. And then our point of attraction becomes all the things that bring us joy and make us feel good. When we are doing this consistently the law of attraction brings as more of those things and even things we didn't even know brought us joy, because that's what it's responding to. Once that happens then you're living in the flow of life. So, whenever you decide to attract something that you think that you want, make sure that you connect with the feelings of that thing and the basis of that thing first. And indulge yourself in the small and maybe silly things that bring you joy. Who or what is your Marie Osmond? ![]() As we walk through our lives are we aware how much we are actually creating? For example: are we aware that the decision to get up in the morning sets up whole powerful series of events that we are on some level creating? Heck even the decision to get up is a creation. Let’s break that down: A decision is a creative act. Every time that we make a decision we are creating circumstances which create outcomes which create feelings and more than likely those feeling that we create from that decision colour our future decisions which starts the creative process all over again. When we create it is a divine process in the sense that it is a process that involves energy and energy is what the divine is made of. When we create we are co-creating with the powers of the Universe. (MORE ABOUT DECISIONS IN PREVIOUS BLOG "Decisions, Decisions.." Below) There is no way in the world that we can make every single decision consciously, but we can begin to be acutely aware of the decisions that we are making in order to create things , circumstances and experiences that support us rather than those that keep us stuck, frustrated or feeling bad. The process of becoming a conscious creator of our lives requires a few things: awareness, honesty, consistency and love. First we have to begin to be aware of the things that we are creating in our lives. Once we are aware of what we are creating then we have to be honest with ourselves in terms of those things. We are creating many good things that support us and our world, but we are also creating those things that do not do those things. Many times when we are honest and look at what we are creating that isn't supportive, loving and good it is because there is a deep belief that we are unconsciously using as our reason for creating these things, experiences and feelings. It is when we face those shadow beliefs that we don't want to look at, that the authentic you begins to emerge. Once that begins to happen there becomes a kind of peace, flow and power in our lives. It is when we look at those shadow beliefs that are colouring our creations that start a deep and meaningful road to becoming a conscious creator of our lives. From there we become free to hear our real inner voice and create from that place. When we get to that point where we clearly see the shadow in any area of our lives, then we need to have a kind of never ending consistency of shifting the shadow belief. That belief that has been dictating our creations doesn't just vanish when we see it clearly and honestly, although the acknowledgement is HUGE in shifting our vibration towards our authentic selves. What we need to do is to be consistent and I would say almost vigilant in being aware how those beliefs keep cropping up in our lives. And it is in that awareness that we can shift the shadow by saying "Thank You for sharing, but I will listen to my Spirit” At first this consistency will seem extremely difficult, but as we go through shifting these beliefs it becomes easier and easier until there will come a time when we can't even remember not having the new belief. All of this work around becoming a conscious creator is extremely powerful, but I believe that the only way to shift the shadow beliefs that are dictating our creations on a real, fundamental level is to do this with LOVE for ourselves. For it is through the amazing power of LOVE that authentic change happens. The energetic vibration of LOVE is key to everything and I mean EVERYTHING. If we do this shadow work from a place of "I SHOULD" "I MUST" or anything else that our ego is telling us, it may work for a little while, but true lasting changes towards our overall harmony with life will not happen. When we begin on the road to becoming conscious creators from a PLACE of LOVE then the journey to peace, happiness and harmony with ourselves, our world and Spirit is a magical and exciting ride. Then we start to manifest abundance, success and joy almost unconsciously. It will become a natural flow of who we are. I do have to say this in terms of becoming a conscious creator; Becoming conscious creators of our lives doesn't mean that life will be all roses and easy every step of the way. Life is meant to bring us to our highest good at all times and sometimes that means that, for the lack of a better word, "stuff" happens. Many times people (myself included) have the impression that once we learn the process of being deliberate creators of our lives and we begin to see how powerful it is, then "bad" things won't happen. That is not true. The “stuff” as I said before is meant to lift us higher, or as I like to think of it, becoming deeper people. It is from this new perspective of ourselves that the “stuff” won't rock us to our core, because we have begun to create a real and lasting foundation through awareness, honesty, consistency and love. |
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January 2019