In this short visual meditation, Spiritual teacher Max Ryan ( shares a short section from Chapter 25 of A Course in Miracles; The Light You Bring ![]() There are a few days that bring much of the population of the earth focusing on a single thing. Of course it's impossible with the diversity of the world for everyone to focus on one thing at one time (especially with all the channels on cable TV!) But there are still a few events and days such as this. Christmas, of course comes to mind, New Year's Eve, certain sporting events and also, in the world of entertainment the night of the Academy Awards. You may not know this, but as a young person I did lots of acting and theatre. Theatre and acting was and still is a passion for me. Being a trained actor, I always watch the Academy Awards every year to see which actors and films have been honored for their work. I believe the people who we honor as stars, have taken the idea of becoming someone who is starring in their own life very seriously. And it is precisely because they have taken that seriously that we in turn see them as stars. Because they see themselves as stars… Now, of course we know of the stories of actors and actresses who have not led the healthiest of lives. That is not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about how they see themselves and because of that, what has manifested in their lives. The point is they see the star in themselves. They have that belief about themselves. They sense the unique and beautiful qualities that only they possess. They see this first and then they allow their star to shine. Then we see it too… How much are you embracing your inner Star? How much are you starring in your own life? Are you waiting for the curtain to go up, so you can finally step into the light? Are you rehearsing for the time when you REALLY need to shine? Is fear holding you back from being the star of your life? Do you have a block against shining your light in the world? Do you believe that the people who shine are self-centered or selfish? Well, I am here to remind you that the movie of your life started the day you came here. The film crew is always filming. The most incredible thing is that you are not only the star of your own movie. But you are the director, the casting agent and most powerfully…you are the writer. If you don't like the role that you've written for yourself so far in life, rewrite it and change your role. If you don't like the cast of characters you have hired to be in your life, change the cast and audition new ones. If you don't like that your life has become a drama and you thought that it would be more of a romantic comedy, rewrite your story… There is no time to waste in living the life your heart yearns to live. The movie has already started, but you can always create the most incredible and exciting of plot twists you choose from here on out! In my training as an actor I was taught that “There are no small parts, only small actors” which means that whatever role you are playing, you are meant to look at that role as being the star of the play. I was taught to look at it like all the elements of the story and the relationships revolve around the character that you are cast as. When an actor does that, they bring a depth and uniqueness to the character, a character which could have meant nothing at all in the scheme of the play as a whole, but suddenly is noticed and stands out to the audience. As opposed to the actor saying “Well this is just a five lines and it’s not the starring role” then the actor just walks through the part and no one even remembers them. You have cast yourself in your life as a certain role. You can either cast yourself as an important and vital role of the whole film of your life, or you can cast yourself as a minor walk on character. Your choice… The time is now to step out into the light and be the STAR you came here to be. If you start now, by next year you may hear “...and the winner is…YOU!” Say YES if you will begin STARRING in your life today! XXX (This excerpt from the book "Say Yes if...30 Days of Positive Questions to Transform Your Life" by Max Ryan) This is a stressful time of the year! It's soooo important that you mind your vibration so that you can enjoy it and get the most positive experiences from it! Max Ryan gives you some valuable tools to do just that! XXX ![]() One of my favorite quotes and I think one of the most effective principles in getting positive results in your life is this: "It is in our defenselessness that your safety lies" That is from A Course in Miracles. The concept of defenselessness is something that is foreign to many people. It is foreign because we have been trained by the world and by the ego to always defend. Defend ourselves. Defend family. Defend our opinion. Defend our country. Defend our friends. Defend. Defend. Defend... If you truly want to have peace in your life and to attract positive results in any area, you have to be willing to give up the defense. What defending does is to literally create more of what you're defending against. Think about the greatest sages and enlightened beings that have walked this earth. When have you ever heard of them defending? And, if they have defended, if you look very closely at the situation, it is more like they are stating the truth instead of defending. They know what most of us need to learn. Take one of the most classic examples of this in our Western world; the persecution of Jesus. Was there any moment in that story when Jesus tried to defend himself? It would've been a whole other story if Jesus would have tried to defend his position or argued with his detractors trying to free himself. Can you imagine Jesus getting anger and saying "You are wrong! I am right!!!"? It's almost comical. You see in that story Jesus didn't need to be right he needed to stand in his peace. It was is in his defenselessness that his safety laid. This is not to say that his body was not safe. But the essential HIM which is not the body, was completely safe and had nothing to defend against, because the essential HIM will never die. You are just like that. The essential YOU will never die. All the great teachings have already told you that you have all that the enlightened masters have, you just haven't realize your potential...yet. So, one of the things in attracting positive results in your life is to be keenly aware about when you're defending against something and when you were just stating the truth. Stating the truth or defending against is an energetic frequency, a feeling or a vibration that is within you. You could be saying the exact same words but on one level your defending and on the other level you're just stating a truth. And you know what they say about the truth don't you? "The truth shall set you ______. " Do you want to be free? This takes practice for some of you, but I am sure that you can do it. After all the truth is all you are. There is no need to defend the truth is there? I guarantee you that implementing this will help you to attract more positive results in your life because you're underlying vibration will become one of peace and flow instead of one of pushing and defending. So the next time that a situation comes up where you feel the need to defend, take a deep breath before anything flies out of your mouth. In that breath, STOP and ask yourself if what you're about to say is defending, which will create more of what you're defending against, or is what you're about to say the simple truth? Then either state your truth with love and peace or keep your mouth shut! By keeping your mouth shut it will literally stop the crazy cycle of attack/defend. When that cycle is broken, the vibration changes and when the vibration changes, your results change. Here is to stating the TRUTH and to defenselessness! |
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January 2019